The Last Wish of Sasha Cade by Cheyanne Young
I don't want to give too much away but this book was simply adorable. Young did an amazing job bringing her to life in this unique way throughout the book. She may have been deceased for 99% of the book but she was such an amazing character. We got to know her through this amazing act of selfless love she concocted as she was slowly dying. Sasha's personality, heart and essence shone through her letters and video clips. These adventures help Raquel mourn, heal and find love. The letter sends her on an adventure - one of many that arrive spontaneously and with perfect timing. Upon her death a letter arrives for her best friend, Raquel. Sasha Cade is larger than life! She is 17, in high school and dying of cancer.
The premise was sad but it was so infused with hope and love that it actually made me happy through my heartbreak and tears - as illogical as that might sound.
🌼 Sasha Cade is a heartwarming story of friendship, love, loss and life! 🌸